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Charter ceremony / Invigning av vår klubb

lör 12 feb.


Online-event via Zoom

Welcome to the charter ceremony of the Swedish online club: Gunnel Hazelius-Berg. To sign-up, click the blue button "Till anmälan".

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Charter ceremony / Invigning av vår klubb
Charter ceremony / Invigning av vår klubb

Time & Location

12 feb. 2022 14:00 – 16:00

Online-event via Zoom

About The Event

It is time for us to be an independent club in the network of Soroptimist International.

We welcome everyone who wants to join us in our celeberation. Click on the blue button "Till anmälan" to sign up.

The ceremony will be in English.

First part will be the charter ceremony and you will get an insight of the focus of the club and also the story behind the name of the club. We are happy to have the Vice President of Soroptimist Europe Dominique Babel as our charter president.

Second part will be a webinar with a topic connected to one or more of the focus areas as of Soroptimist Europe. 

This kind of webinar is typical for the online club and we want to show a new way to educate, empower and enable opportunities for women and girls:

Challenge the norm - a way to advocate in the society with social entrepreneurship

Speaker is Moa Gürbüzer.

Moa is a former family terapeut and social worker with over 2 decades of experience. She worked mainly with alcohol related family issues and saw, first hand, the detrimental effects of alcohol on our society. She was astonished by how recurrent so many of the issues were and realized there need to be a structural change. She quit her job and, in 2013, she started Oddbird. Her vision was to question and change the alcohol norms of society by creating world class wines but liberating them from alcohol. Today Oddbird is the largest producer of wines liberated from alcohol in Scandinavia.

Last years she has been interviewed in both public TV and for various radio channels. Moa Gürbüzer helds very appreciated lectures.

Gifts and donations via

Welcome to join the celebration!

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KORT OM OSS/in brief

Onlineklubbben Gunnel Hazelius-Berg är den nationella och digitala klubben inom Soroptimist Sweden, vi är en del av Soroptimist International.

Vi träffas och har föreläsningar digitalt ca en gång i månaden, minst en gång om året träffas vi i samband med det nationella årsmötet - Unionsmötet, och en spontanträff då och då.

När? Vi försöker variera dag för våra digitala möten och events, så att  så många som möjligt kan vara med. Kolla in vad som är på gång under Möten/Events & Meetings

Vad handlar mötena om? Vi har ofta en inbjuden specialist som berättar om ett aktuellt ämne med koppling till något av våra fokusområden.


Vill du stödja oss direkt? Bankgiro: 5820-2946 eller swish: 123-566 62 27 och det går till våra olika projekt.

Bli medlem enkelt! Swisha 750 kr med namn, så kontaktar vi dig!


Vi välkomnar alla kvinnor som vill stödja vårt arbete för en mer jämställd värld!

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