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Women in the peace process: a reason for a sustainable peace

tis 13 apr.


Free online-webinar via Zoom

Let’s gain insights on how peace processes can be seen from the angle of equality and why it is important to include women in the peace processes.

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Women in the peace process: a reason for a sustainable peace
Women in the peace process: a reason for a sustainable peace

Time & Location

13 apr. 2021 19:30 – 20:30 CEST

Free online-webinar via Zoom

About The Event

Warmly welcome to join our webinar to get a closer look on the development in Colombia.

We will be guided by:

Natalia Briceño Hernández. Natalia is passioned about promoting gender equality and rural development in Colombia's armed conflict and peacebuilding context. They is a political scientist and Project Development and Evaluation Specialist. With research and professional experience in education, international cooperation, and peacebuilding projects focused on rural development and gender-related issues. They is currently associated as a Research Profesional at the Research Direction of the Law School in Rosario's University in Colombia.

Valeria Indira Saray Aragón. Colombian non-binary person, who has made gender a source of agency and strength to build multiple paths in her life which has given her expertise on gender, peacebuilding, peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution issues. Political Scientist, specialist in environmental management of the territory with professional experience in public policies, project design and management, and capacity development activities, especially related on how to understand and work with and from a gender perspective. Currently, she works as a Gender global coordinator in ForumCiv, and as a capacity development and PMEL officer for Latin American and the Caribbean regional office in ForumCiv.

This is a free and open webinar  - please register to get login details to Zoom.

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